sickpromupid Admin replied

293 weeks ago

Generation War Movie Download Hd

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a5c7b9f00b Berlin, 1941. Five friends eager to become heroes in an adventure that will change the face of Europe - and that will forever change themwell. Level-headed, highly decorated officer Wilhelm is off to the eastern front with his younger brother Friedhelm, a sensitive dreamer more interested in literature than warfare. Deeply in love with Wilhelm is Charlotte, a young nurse who looks forward to serving in the Wehrmacht, also on the eastern front. While Greta is a talented singer who longs to become another Marlene Dietrich, her Jewish boyfriend Viktor still cannot convince his parents to leave Germany… Valor and courage come to the fore, but also betrayal - of values, beliefs, humanity. Friedhelm turns into a soulless killing machine… Wilhelm deserts his troops and is court-martialed… Charlotte's Nazi ideology crumbles when she betrays a Jewish nurse helping the German army… Greta obtains papers for Viktor's escape by selling herself to an SS colonel. They and millions of others wanted to be heroes; but none of them could imagine what the war would ultimately do to them and to the rest of the world.
Five friends go out to war and promise each other to be back for Christmas.
I've not oft recommended movies, but in the case of war movies I do consider myself an expert since I think I've seen them all.<br/><br/>Skipping to the end here…I highly recommend "Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter" or the inappropriately translated-to-English "Generation War".<br/><br/>Yes it had it's melodramatic moments,wellat least a few implausible scenarios, but such is the dramatic mechanism and this show had those in spades.<br/><br/>You can read these IMDb reviews if you want, I suggest waiting until you view it and come to your own conclusions. Many of the authors here appear to me to be tied to their own dogmatic prejudices; be them history-centric nerds who point out the the MG42 did not appear on front-line service until early 1943 or members of Soviet occupied nations who reject 1940s antisemitism in their own nation. There's plenty of accusations to be thrown, and while some may even have merit, they only show that the viewer missed the point to begin with.<br/><br/>Anyway, this is a top-5 "war movie" in my opinion for all time, I'll yield to top-10 if I get strong opposition, but 100% worth watching if you can handle 4.5 hours of sub-titles.
By the original German title the proper title should have been "Our mothers, our fathers" and in the end this mini-series is about what was the living like during the Nazi administration of Germany and for the most part the series manage to be both faithful to the period and givesa four and a half hour of quality entertainment. <br/><br/>To the plot itself we follow five friends from the invasion of Russia in 1941 to the fall of the Third Reich in 1945 and what they faced during that period. AndI have wrote before about films and series-about historical periods, focusing in an event or a small group of people makes it easier to us to see what was like back then and what the people believe for their government. In general the series manages to show very well the idealism of the average German about their country before the war was intensified andthe fighting progress, the outcome turned against Germany and the implementation of the racist laws against other nationalities came to effect how that effected their outlook of their country, themselves and their ideology. <br/><br/>As for our main characters they arefollows : <br/><br/>Wilhelm Winter,our narrator, lieutenant in the German army ,is shown at the beginningthe paragon of a good German, distinguish soldier, loyal citizen , look up to by his soldiers.<br/><br/>Friedhelm Winter, younger brother of Wilhelm, has no aspiration of military glory, the most sensitive of the group.<br/><br/>Greta Müller, bartender who seeks to become a famous singer and she is willing to go to great and undignified lengths to succeed. <br/><br/>Charlotte, the girlfriend of Wilhelm, she is idealistic to a fault ,she becomes a nurse in ordershe say to do her dutya German woman.<br/><br/>Finally ,Viktor Goldstein, a Jewish young tailor, he is inconstant fear for his life and he is the only one from his family who sees the emanate danger.<br/><br/>In general all of them are interesting people and in the end the impact of the War is the main theme of the series.<br/><br/>But the series is far from perfectit has some big issues ,especially in the third and final episode. Not in directing, costumes or performance, these are top notch, the main issues are the portrait of the Resistance forces in Poland,which was quit off, the fact they never shown the consecration camps( but the rest of the treatment they show it) and the ending was too abrupt I wanted it to be about three to five minutes longer to close more smoothly the arcs of our character.<br/><br/>In general it is a good series, with some flaws ,but apart from this ,I recommended for history lovers and person interested to German television/ cinema.
It plays like a conventional melodrama with better-than-average production values.
I watched it on tv and I cant stop thinking about it.
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last edited 215 weeks ago by sickpromupid
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